Renmin University Students enjoy freely talking with American friends!
Today China has lots of visitors from around the world. Opportunities are everywhere for cross-cultural communication! The next time you see international visitors, make an effort to begin a conversation. Don't say, "My English is too poor." Just try, and before you know it, you'll be enjoying natural conversations just like these brave students at Renmin University!
Communicating with international visitors is not difficult. Don't be afraid to try!
Nobody improves their cross-cultural communication skills by "wishing." You must open your mouth and start speaking.
Opportunities to practice and improve your x-cultural communication skills will not knock at your door. Better ability to use English and build bridges with international people will not appear magically. YOU must look for changes. YOU must knock on opportunity's door. YOU cannot afford to wait till tomorrow. YOU are surrounded by people who are willing to talk with you. YOU are the only person standing between yourself and success. YOU must decide to start communicating today!